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Nerve Pain Relieving Superfood Greens Neuropathy Blend

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Hand holding a glass of green smoothie with product packaging in the background.

One Cup a Day

Keeps Neuropathy Away

Are you tired of that constant pins and needles feeling or that burning numbness in your feet and hands?

We created Nerve Blend to be the your guide to to overcome your battle with neuropathy.

Packed with nerve friendly nutrients like Alpha lipoic Acid, lions mane, Vitamins B3&B6 and much more. Nerve Blend is specially formulated to reduce your neuropathy symptoms.

Battling neuropathy can feel overwhelming, but with just one cup of delicious NerveBlend daily, you can give your body the support it needs to combat numbness and tingling in your feet and hands.

Take a step everyday to beating neuropathy with The Neuropathy Blend.

How it Works for Your nerves

Stylized hand with text 'Reduce Burning Numbness' encircling it.

Week 1-3

The powerful ingredients begin to reduce your oxidative stress in your nerves in return reducing the pins and needles pain and nerve aches.

Human hand with red lightning bolt graphics against a greenish background.
Smiling male doctor with stethoscope, crossed arms, red tie, and white coat standing against a green background.
A stylized line drawing of a foot with the text 'Eliminate Pins and Needles Pain.'

Week 3-5

Your nerves will start to normalize and begin to calm down. They won't be sending those painful signals to your brain that cause your nerves to be in pain or numb.

'Icon representing a neuron with text 'Longterm Nerve Recovery''

Week 6-10+

By week 6 most of our customers have seen a 60-80% reduction in neuropathy symptoms, now its crucial to stay consistent to give your nerves the nutrient to protect them from further damage and continue recovery.

Smiling woman holding a glass of green smoothie.

Premium Organic Ingredients for Your Neuropathy


Proprietary Nerve Blend

Lions Mane Mushroom


Ginger Root

Beet Root


A hand holding a spoon scooping matcha green tea powder with dynamic motion.

What to Expect

1. Reduced Burning Numbness and Inflammation ⚡️

Our formula will help reduce your inflammation and neuropathy flareups, giving your nerves a chance to begin recovering.

2. Increased Immunity Health 💡

We included key nutrients to help your immunity health to increase and keep you healthy.

3. Increased Energy 😎

Giving your body the right nutrients to help your nerves will give you more energy throughout the day.

4. No More Pins and Needles Feeling📌

Protect your feet and hands from pins and needles feeling .

5. Premium Ingredients 🌱

Sourced from the best farms in the world we only use the best ingredients.

Customer Reviews
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